Enjoy this collection of photos, Ezalb’s whimsical art and other images from Blaze’s short but creative life. If you use any of these images, you must contact the owner of the image for release and attribution. Contact the website at webadmin@blazefoley.com if you need help contacting the rights owner. Thank you.
Photos of Blaze from family, friends and fans. Hover over a photo to see who took the photo. If you use any of these photos, contact the owner for a release and give proper credit to the owner. Contact this site owner if you need contact information.
The art of Ezalb Yelof (Blaze Foley spelled backwards). During the late 80’s, Blaze had a serious case of writer’s block. During this time, he turned to magic markers and any kind of material he could find to make decorative, primitive art akin to Peter Max and other artists who fill the entire canvas with complementary and contrasting colors.
Blaze left behind handwritten lyric sheets. We’ll be uploading more of them here in time, please be patient. All rights to images and lyrics are held by Texas Ghost Writers Music, BMI.